Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Hola! This is Lauren Carr and Nikki reporting from the valleys of San Lucas! This morning we met with the CFCA to visit with a local Guatemalan that Lisa and Eric Schmidt from New Prague sponsor. The girl's name is Ana and she is 15 years old. With the Schmidt's help Ana is able to attend school on the weekends. While talking to Ana, we learned that her favorite subject in school is art. She brought along her sister and mother to go grocery shopping for the necessities and buy new sandals. As a treat, Kris Beatrez bought everyone ice cream and we brought some ice cream back for Ana's younger siblings that stayed behind at the church. After shopping and ice cream, we played soccer with her younger brother and sister. They were only 7 and 5 and they were owning us with their elaborate moves. We made the locals laufh at our lack of coordination. With the rest of the money donated by the Schmidt family Ana will use it for her schooling and transportation. Ana also brought gifts for everyone that she made herself such as bracelets and shawls along with pictures of her excelling in school. Her and her family expressed great gratitude towards the Schmidt family and those visiting her today. It was really cool to interact with the local people and see how much a small contribution can go a long way. It was a really eye-opening experience and because of it Kris Beatrez is strongly considering sponsoring a child in need from Guatemala herself. As for us cool high schoolers, we are realizing that we are not that cool with our brand name clothes and iPods! We have it so easy! This trip has been so humbling and we want to thank all the people who made this trip possible! Hasta mañana!


  1. Hola Lauren and Nikki! Loved the post- thanks for taking the time to do it! So proud of all of you and the work you are accomplishing! I am enjoying the posts and pictures - what a moving experience for me - just reading them. Sounds like everyone is having a great time, and staying super busy! Keeping all of you in my prayers. Mrs. May

  2. Hey Lauren! I hope all is well. It looks like you and the group are making a very positive impact on the community and having a great time in the process. Keep up the good work and I can't wait to hear all about it when you return to the states.

    Wishing you the best!

