Hello everyone,
If nothing else from this trip, I will surely bring back some excellent driving tips! Driver's license? Don't need one. Speed limit? Forget that. Pedestrians? They'll move. Mom and Dad, I hope that pacified you guys! (: Needless to say, our drives have been pretty crazy adventures!
I know people have already blogged about the volcano, so all I'll say is that it was one of the hardest but best things I've ever done. Walking through the clouds on the top was a huge payoff for all the people that wiped out! (: And roasting marshmallows in a volcanic heat vent-pretty amazing.
When we got back, we had some free time, then went to a Holy Week procession. The streets were jam packed-it was like an explosion of Dozinky Days! The procession was the stations of the cross on platforms with statues dragged by many people. And here's the crazy thing-when the one with Jesus on the cross came by, it starting absolutely pouring! Although it was freezing, you can't help but think it wasn't a coincidence! I'll close with this: soaking Americans must look pretty funny running down streets, looking for their hotel in the pouring rain, because all the Guatemalans were laughing at us. Oh well, good memories!
We're off to eat now, love and miss everyone at home! -Anna
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